Monday, May 9, 2016

HEYYYY  (so this will be my last blog post)

So last night we came back from Goa. Yesterday we had a swim in the sea it was very dirty as there was a lot of garbage on the beach. There are men on the beach trying to sell you a beach  lounger. It can be very annoying as they just follow you around saying "please please buy this from me mine are better"  but we just put towels down on the sand. There are then more people that come around asking if you want a massage or if you want to bye a top or some gewlery. We didn't get anything.

Then we hoped on a plane to get back to Delhi. And then we ariver do at like 730pm



  1. Nice one India - I'm just catching up on your posts.

  2. Nice one India - I'm just catching up on your posts.
