Wednesday, August 19, 2015



 Personally I don't want to change the flags but if I had to my four favourite flag would be:

The Black jack flag. I think it looks a lot like the flag we have now just a touch of maori in it, which I like and I also like the colours.

The Silver fern flag. This flag doesn't look like the flag we have now but it represents all of the new Zealand sport uniforms and the colours are the same as what we have now which I think look nice.

The Blue koru flag. I like this flag because it looks like a big wave and waves as you know are on beaches and New Zealand has a lot of lovely beaches and it is very nice and plane.

The Land Of The Long White Cloud flag. I like this flag because it is a lot different to all of the other flag not only the top 40 but also form the other counters and the colours are amazing.

Out of all of the four flags my favorite would be the Black jack flag because it is the closest to the flag now.Because as you know I don't really want to change the flag.


Thursday, August 13, 2015



This term as you know we have been doing a lot of art well room 11 has.
I will tell you  some of the things we have done falling from space, drawing hats, an animal, demented star.

My favourite art was doing the falling from space were you had to trace your hands and feet and then draw your body and then it looked like you were falling from space it was so cool.  

My least favourite was drawing the hats and you had to put little tiny diamond on it witch took for ever and I did just did not like it.

I would like to improve on my shading and painting skill as I am very bad at shading and when I paint I get paint all over the page.